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Money and Pensions Service - Provision Mapping 2024

Overview and updates


The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) is partnering with Pye Tait Consulting to carry out a mapping exercise of financial education programmes available across the UK for children and young people (CYP). 

This mapping exercise aims to provide a snapshot of financial education programmes for CYP up to the age of 25 across the UK and is conducted every two to three years. Gathering updated information will help identify any gaps in provision and understand progress made towards the UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing.


The research window has now closed. We are currently analysing the data and the report on the findings will be published in due course. Thank you very much for your interest in the research.


Background to the research

MaPS is an arm’s length body of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). MaPS’ mission is to help people – particularly those most in need – to improve their financial wellbeing and build a better, more confident future. 

In January 2020, MaPS published the UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing which set out five agendas for change by 2030. One theme is for 2 million more CYP to get a meaningful financial education by then. 

To support delivery of this goal, MaPS convenes and coordinates the sector to drive progress towards the national goal; builds and shares evidence to inform policy, strategy and practice; and supports the development of services and tools to enable more teachers, parents and practitioners to teach children and young people about money.

Progress towards this national goal is measured through the triennial CYP Financial Wellbeing survey
Together, the CYP survey and this provision mapping exercise form an underpinning evidence base which MaPS uses to inform policy and interventions. 

What is financial education provision mapping?


Since 2017, MaPS has undertaken a mapping exercise every two to three years to review and monitor the financial education programmes available across the UK for CYP up to the age of 25 and for those who work with or care for them. 

Through this provision mapping, MaPS aims to give policy makers, funders and providers the most comprehensive and up-to-date picture of financial education programmes being delivered to CYP across the UK. The last mapping exercise took place in 2021. The published findings have been shared with policymakers and financial education funders and providers to ensure more CYP can receive a financial education that meets their needs.

Who is the research aimed at?


The research is aimed at middle to senior level professionals working in organisations delivering and/or funding financial education interventions and programs to CYP across the UK.

Many organisations which deliver financial education provision have been identified and contacted to participate in this research. 

What does the research ask about?


This research asks the following questions to build up a snapshot of the current financial education provision available. 

  • Reach of financial education interventions – numbers of CYP, teachers, practitioners and/or parents/carers reached

  • Focus of financial education interventions – targeted age and groups of CYP

  • Spending on financial education programmes

  • Content/topics of financial education programmes

  • Where financial education programmes are available and/or delivered (by setting and by geographic region)

  • Methods used to deliver financial education programmes

  • Challenges and opportunities pinpointed by the financial education sector

  • Evidence and best practice used to inform design/delivery of financial education interventions

How will you use my data?


This year, Pye Tait Consulting has been commissioned to carry out this mapping exercise on behalf of MaPS. Any information you provide in your responses (including any personal or commercial information) will be provided to both parties.

Both parties will keep confidential any information you provide. It will be used only for the purpose of conducting an analysis of financial education provision for children and young people and developing a strategy for improving that provision. Published findings from this research will be anonymised and unattributable to your organisation and will be shared with you. 

The survey asks for explicit consent to MaPS contacting you in the future about this project (including sharing published findings) and about wider work relating to financial education. 
If you have further questions about the way personal information is used, please refer to Pye Tait Consulting’s Participant Privacy Notice, MaPS' Privacy Policy or contact Helen Pitman at MaPS via 

Contact us


If you would like to contact us for any reason, you can use the form below to reach the Pye Tait Consulting project team.

Please do not use this form if you have a question for the MaPS about financial education policy. In that case, please contact the MaPS team via:

Thanks for submitting!

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External links


The following web pages provide additional information and guidance relating to the financial education provision mapping exercise. The list is not intended to be exhaustive.

UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing
Financial Education Provision Mapping 2021 Final Report 
Financial Education Provision Mapping 2019 Final Report
CYP Financial Wellbeing survey 2022 report


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