Street Works Qualifications Review Online Hub
Overview and updates
The Department for Transport (DfT) is partnering with Pye Tait Consulting to carry out research into the current street works qualifications landscape.
We want to understand the relative merits and drawbacks of the current qualifications set-up. We also want to hear alternative routes that will still meet the aims of qualifications of ensuring the safety of workers and road users.
We are seeking views from all perspectives, to build up as rounded picture as possible. This is an opportunity for you to have your say and to help shape the future qualifications landscape.
We have now closed the research and are currently analysing responses. Our review will be published by the DfT later in 2024.
What are street works qualifications?
Street works – the excavation of roads and footpaths to access existing cables, pipes and ducts, to install new infrastructure – are those carried out by utility companies such as gas, water, electricity and telecommunications companies; other organisations can also carry out street works under licence.
The Street Works Regulations 2016 prescribe the qualifications that are needed by street works operatives (those undertaking excavation and reinstatement work) and supervisors (those monitoring such activities) in England. Certificates – or cards – are issued after a successful assessment is achieved in an assessment centre approved by one of four Awarding Organisations: Lantra, CABWI, SQA and City and Guilds. These must be refreshed by individuals every five years. Individuals can undertake this assessment with or without undertaking prior training.
To note, the focus of this review is primarily England, but it is also important to hear about your experience in Scotland and Wales.
What are street works qualifications?
LA – Location and avoidance of underground apparatus
O-series certificates, for operatives only
O1 – Signing, lighting and guarding
O2 – Excavation in the highway
O3 – Reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials
O4 – Reinstatement of sub-base and road base in non-bituminous materials
O5 – Reinstatement in cold-lay bituminous materials
O6 – Reinstatement in hot-lay bituminous materials
O7 – Reinstatement of concrete slabs
O8 – Reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways
S-series certificates, for supervisors only
S1 – Monitoring signing, lighting and guarding
S2 – Monitoring excavation in the highway
S3 – Monitoring reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials
S4 – Monitoring reinstatement of sub-base and road base in non-bituminous materials
S5 – Monitoring reinstatement in bituminous materials
S6 – Monitoring reinstatement of concrete slabs
S7 – Monitoring reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways
The training and accreditation working group, part of HAUC (Highway Authorities and Utilities Committee) has drawn up a large question bank which is then used in the accreditation process. The current system comprises a knowledge exam based on the question bank set by the working group, and a practical element.
As the Street Works qualifications regime has been in place since the 1990s, this research aims to better understand the merits and drawbacks of the current street works qualification landscape. We’d also like to hear alternative routes that will still meet the aims of the regime of ensuring safety of workers and road users.
Who is the research aimed at?
The research is aimed at all those who have an interest in street works qualifications. We are interested in hearing from anyone who wishes to share their views, including:
Operatives and supervisors who are currently taking a street works qualification, or who have done so in the last 12 months
Assessment centres delivering street works qualifications
Contractors and utilities firms (inc. gas, electricity, telecommunications, and water)
Local authorities and highway authorities
Within contractors, utilities firms, and local authorities, we are interested in hearing from:
Managers of operatives and/or supervisors
Those responsible for workforce training and qualifications
What does the research ask about?
This research asks for your views on the following:
Your engagement with street works qualifications
Your experience of street works qualifications – what works well or less well
Your experience of street works training
What a future street works qualifications landscape might look like, including the role of technology
How will you use my data?
All responses will be treated confidentially by Pye Tait Consulting. Responses will be aggregated and anonymised by Pye Tait Consulting as part of the analysis before being shared with the DfT, in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Market Research Society Code of Conduct.
For further information, you can read Pye Tait Consulting’s Participant Privacy Notice.
Contact us
If you would like to contact us for any reason, you can use the form below to reach the Pye Tait Consulting project team.
Please do not use this form if you have a question for the DfT about street works qualifications policy. In that case, please contact the DfT team via:
External links
The following web pages provide additional information and guidance relating to street works qualifications. The list is not intended to be exhaustive.
Street works qualifications in England: guidance for operatives and supervisors
Street works qualifications register (SWQR)
HAUC UK (Highways Authorities and Utilities Committee) – Training and Accreditation